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31-Petunia's dream

Sean invites Petunia & Kate at the ranch. Petunia is in love.

32-Traveling France

Dom and Hubby are visiting family in France, and Lilly is more than ready to come along

33- La Albuera

Davina and her daughter, Louana, spend some time discovering nature.

34-The arrival of Halldòra

A new doll, always starts new stories from the first day of her /his arrival.

35-Lizbeth going to Tahiti

 Lizbeth, and her two friends Niki and Dom, are going to leave their dream. Tahiti, here we are!

36-NIRVANA's Barbie Event

Olga, the little shop manager, creates a new event for her friends and customers. this time it will be all about Barbie.

37-The boys moving out

While moving one always tries not to forgot anything behind, but the boys were almost forgotten during the moving from one house to another.

38- Fairy Easter Curse

When a new doll arrives in my Gang, she reveals her identity to me, almost immediately, but when I win two dolls at the same time in a lottery, it is sometimes difficult for me to hear them. I realized very quickly that the identities of these two young ladies did not correspond to their attitudes, so I created a story that allowed them to swap their identities/body.

39-Emilie-Blanche Yellow Dream Road

When a simple stroll leads to dream

40-Sean & the lake monster

Sean O'Farrell is marine biologist. He made a trip to Spain that changed his career.

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