Around town
For her first day. Lorelei is only going out around our little village. Nothing special nor extraordinary, just a nature walk.
000- A little walk around our town
001- Our town is dominated by a nice 15th century castle.
002-Today is a fantastic day
003-Look at all those colors!
004- I feel like climbing in the trees!
005- Not so easy eh?
006- Oh ..careful
007- Here I am
008-That was worth it. It is a beautiful view!
009-OK now, going down...slowly
010- From here I can see a nice climbing rocks. Let's go investigate
011- Blinding into my surrounding in my camouflage outdoor outfit.
012- This is hard stuff!
013- Hello little spider!
014- Is your name Johnson?
015- Time to go back to a more stable ground
016-I really love those flowers!
017-So beautiful!
018-I could be lost in here.
019- Dom!! Dom can you ear me?? Do not live me here!!
020-Enough emotions for a first day outdoor. . Time to go home