Marie Laetitia Chevalier
General information:
Pet: Black standard Poodle named Figaro (from the Barber of Seville)
Alias/nickname: Marie
Address: Paris, France
Profession: Costume theater designer
Actual employer: Paris’ Opera Theater France
Personal information
Birth date: May 06
Nationality: French
Hair color: Brown
Eyes color: Hazelnut
Particularity: Tattoo on her right ankle
Hobby: Fabric, fabric, fabric
Marital status: Married with Pierre Fox
Family relation: Lilly Fox' mother
Character: Organized, good listener
Fashion preferences: She loves everything nice and old
Favorite colors: all the colors are beautiful if they have a purpose
Original doll: 1999-Simply Gene brunette, Mel Odom, Ashton Drake Galleries
Comment: Repainted by the very talented Canadian illustrator Glenn Mielke.
Other: this was my first 15 1/2 "doll