Carlos Francisco Ortega-Rivera
General information:
Pet: several stray dogs and cats
Alias/nickname: Paquito.
Address: Las Mariposas Chihuahua, Mexico
Profession: Cattle rancher.
Actual employer: Self employed
Personal information
Birth date: September 26
Nationality: Mexican
Hair color: Black
Eyes color: Black
Particularity: Scars on the left of the chin and on the right thigh.
Hobby: Mariachis, Sombreros Charro
Marital status: Single.
Family relation: None with the “gang”
Character: Exuberant, proud, ambitious
Fashion preferences: Practical on the field but exuberant in the city
Favorite colors: All colors
Original doll: 2004- Basil St John. Effanbee /R. Tonner Co.)
Comment: I have painted his eyes, eyebrows, made some scars and permed his hair