Adalie Laurence Fisher
General information:
Pet: None
Alias/nickname: Adalie
Address: San Diego, California, USA
Profession: Talent agent
Actual employer: Blondie Baker
Personal information
Birth date: November 08
Nationality: Gibraltarian
Hair color: Brown, permanent wig
Eyes color: Brown
Particularity: None
Hobby: Cinema oldies
Marital status: single
Family relation: None with any member of the Gang
Character: Very active, diplomatic
Fashion preferences: 30'
Favorite colors: Blue
Original doll: 2007-Sidney Chase, Modeling Agency "Lace roses", R. Tonner Co.
Comment: I received her bald, she always wears a wig. she has been repainted but I do not know the artist's name.
Other: This doll arrived to me through an exchange with my friend Laurent.