Sirine Hélène Peeters
General information:
Pet: 2 Greyhound named Gatsby & Daisy
Alias/nickname: Sirine
Address: Arlon, Belgium
Profession: Artist potter/ceramist
Actual employer: Herself
Personal information
Birth date: July 21
Nationality: Belgium
Hair color: Blond
Eyes color: Blue
Particularity: None
Hobby: Amelia Earhart and the 20'
Marital status: Single.
Family relation: None with any member of the "Gang
Character: Friendly and very active
Fashion preferences: 20'
Favorite colors: all
Original doll: 2004-Blond RTW, Saucy Tyler from R. Tonner Co.
Comment: I cut her hair
Other: I won her at the Madrid Doll convention 2018