Tien Duong Square

As long as I have space ,I create a new area for my Gang. While I was still building various rooms in the main building, this little empty space bothered me. So for a while it became a Square. Lilly, Halldòra and Davina, are discovering it.

To the left is the little Tiangtang market booth.

 I tried several floors,starting by the adhesive vinyls,  then the left over tiles (from our home) and finally opted for more natural  result.

The base sidewalk being a wooden plank,  I worked directly on it. I decided to create a checker design in natural color, but paint did not look natural enough. Discovering that our cat used two different types of cat litter, I borrowed some. I used evenly placed  paper tape as guides.

I applied the glue to every other square, and sprinkled one color of gravel, then waited for it to dry thoroughly.  When dry, I removed the excess just lifting the plank vertically, then I applied glue in the empty squares and sprinkled the other colored gravel and let it to dry.

 I was planning to remove the paper tape but finally left it as I liked the clear grout result. 

For a while my girls , Lilly and Halldòra  could enjoy a peaceful moment in the  Tien duong Square while  visiting the market. Lizbeth is  reading by the fountain, with a new background picture.