
Olga Sophie Petrovna

General information:

Pet: none but she loves birds.

Alias/nickname: Olga 

Address: Moscow. Russia

Profession: Nirvana fashion shop’s manager

Actual employer: Nirvana's 

Personal information

Birth date: March 3 

Nationality: Russian

Hair color: Blond

Eyes color: Blue/grey

Particularity: None

Hobby: classical Ballet, ice skate

Marital status: Single but in love with Odysseus.

Family relation: None with any member of the “Gang” 

Character: Dynamic, Adventurous, but honest and courageous. 

Fashion preferences: She loves everything Sailor style and "Tommy H"

Favorite colors: Blue/red/white 


Original doll: 2000-Jakks “Elle” doll, a WALK ON THE WILD SIDE COLLECTOR SERIES 

Comment: I did a make over  her mouth. I  switched her body for a more articulated Madame Alexander. I re-rooted her hair.
