
Pierre Alexander  Fox

General information:

Pet: None

Alias/nickname: Pitt

Address: Paris, France 

Profession: Airline pilot/aeronautic consultant

Actual employer: Domidoll Air Airline

Personal information

Birth date: June 05

Nationality: United States (French mom, US dad)

Hair color: Blond

Eyes color: Chestnut

Particularity: Mustache

Hobby:  The big adventurers (Lewis & Clark, Marco polo, Amundsen, la Pérouse, Cook etc.)

Marital status: Married with Marie Chevalier

Family relation: Lilly Fox’s father. Kate Walker’s uncle.

Character: Bright, very quiet

Fashion preferences: Professionally in airline uniform, in classic suit for the office. He loves to be comfortable at home and classic for the evenings.

Favorite colors: None in particular


Original doll: 2002-Trent, skiing or she-ing, blond- Mel Odom/Ashton Drake galleries.

Comment: Flocking hair done by myself
