Mithy Berthrane Shantel Providence
General information:
Pet: a Chihuahua named Pablito
Alias/nickname: Mithy
Address: Kingstown, St Vincent, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
Profession: Veterinarian
Actual employer: Independent
Personal information
Birth date: December 11
Nationality: Vincentian
Hair color: Brown
Eyes color: Hazelnut
Particularity: None
Hobby: Shells collector
Marital status: single
Family relation: None with any member of the Gang
Character: organized, patient, calm
Fashion preferences: she loves everything Caribbean, comfortable for work
Favorite colors: All the colors of Caribbean flowers
Original doll: 2003-mesmerizing Esmé from R. Tonner Co.
Comment: from "Creation Cotho " dressed and repainted by the artist.
Other: this doll was gifted to me by my 2 lovely friends Laurent & Bertrand