
Hadriana Magdalena Vermeer

General information:

Pet: None

Alias/nickname: Lena

Address: Cape Town, South Africa

Profession: Artist

Actual employer: Several galleries 

Personal information

Birth date: October 31 

Nationality: South African (old Dutch roots)

Hair color: Blond 

Eyes color: Light brown 

Hobby: Museum, art 

Marital status: Single 

Family relation: None with any member of the Gang 

Character: Dreamer, romantic, imaginative 

Fashion preferences: Simple, comfortable romantic Boho style

Favorite colors: subtle & light colors


Original doll: 2003-Eve, Garden Party, by Susan Wakeen. (changed body)

Comment: Head flocked by myself. I replaced her body by a more articulated Ellowyne's from R. Tonner
