
Lizbeth Mary-Daphne  Smith-Evans

General information:

Pet: Tortoise named Veritas

Alias/nickname: Lizy 

Address: London, UK

Profession: Fashion model

Employer: London Fashion Model Agency

Personal information

Birthday: April 23

Nationality: English

Hair color: Blond

Eye color: Light blue

Particularity: None

Hobby: Classical Ballet 

Marital status: Single. 

Family relation: None with any member of the “Gang” 

Character: Outgoing, and friendly. 

Fashion preference:  Designer cloth during her work indeed, but she loves Steampunk.

Favorite color: copper, silver, gold, black and brown


Original doll: 2010-Urban vita "In the buff"  from Horsman ltd.

Comment: I cut her hair, she wears a wig
