Emilie-Blanche von Allmen
General information:
Pet: None
Alias/nickname: Milly
Address: Geneva, Switzerland
Profession: Flight attendant
Actual employer: Swiss International Air Lines
Personal information
Birth date: August 01
Nationality: Swiss
Hair color: wigs only
Eyes color: Blue
Particularity: None
Hobby: Fairy tales, Grimm Brothers & Charles Perrault
Marital status: single
Family relation: None with any member of the Gang
Character: Fun, Romantic
Fashion preferences: Stewardess uniform for work, and modern inspired princesses
Favorite colors: all colors
Original doll: 2014-Poppy Parker "Fashion Teen" from Integrity
Comment: I cut her hair, She wears only wigs
Other: I won this Lovely doll at the 2018 Madrid Fashion Doll Convention