
Mercedes Carmen  Arvilla-Sanchez 

General information:

Pet: Dalmatian named Sherlock

Alias/nickname: Mati

Address: Madrid, Spain 

Profession: PI (private investigator)

Employer: self - employed (private patrons)

Personal information

Birthday: January 06 

Nationality: Spanish

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Particularity: None 

Hobby: Adventure & Mystery books like “Nancy Drew” (in English), “le Club des Cinq” (in French) 

Marital status: Single. 

Family relation: None with any member of the “Gang” 

Character: Very active, curious and stubborn. 

Fashion preference: Discreet 

Favorite color: Grey, beige, ecru, blue jeans and everything polka dots


Original doll: 2003- Velma Kelly, from « Chicago’s series », R. Tonner Co.

Comment: I have re-styled her hair
