
Karim Abdel  Madih

General information:

Pet: none

Alias/nickname: Kim 

Address: Tangier Morocco

Profession: Student, sleuth amateur

Employer: None, but works little jobs (flier distribution and fast food cook) to pay his extra.

Personal information

Birthday: July 1st 

Nationality: Moroccan

Hair color: Black

Eyes color: Brown

Particularity: None

Hobby:  Guitar, skateboard, adventure/ mystery books,( the Hardy boys, Jules Verne).

Marital status: Single.

Family relation: None, with any member of the “gang” but his father and Niels’ are associates (Niels' best friend)

Character: Hyper active, insouciant, generous.

Fashion preferences: Cool, easy for skateboarding

Favorite colors: red


Original doll: 2004-My Scene, “River, jamming in Jamaica”, Mattel Co.

